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In the wake of the Washington Post’s blockbuster story today that four women have accused Alabama Republican US Senate candidate Roy Moore of inappropriately touching them while they were teenagers aged 14 to 18, and Moore was in his 30s, Alabama Republicans are circling the wagons by openly defending pedophilia.
Moore, a fire-and-brimstone anti-gay family values crusader is running against Democrat Doug Jones for Jeff Sessions US Senate seat in a special election taking place next month in early December.
You can donate to Doug Jones here.
Moore is accused of, among other things, “dating” a 14-year-old girl in 1979, who he took to his home in the woods, took off her and his clothes, touched her breasts and her crotch through her underwear, then attempted to put her hand on his erect penis through his underwear. Moore was 32 at the time.
Moore’s defense is that the women’s allegations were cooked up by Barack Obama and the Clintons. Which is a pretty tricky move, considering the 14-year-old told her friend in 1979 that she was dating a man named “Roy Moore.” Did President Obama take Hillary and Bill back in their time machine to 1979 to set Moore up?
Not to mention, the worst story about the 14-year-old, comes from a woman who voted for Trump.
Even worse is the defense of Moore being made by Alabama Republicans. They’re literally unbelievable. First we have the “Mary and Joseph did it” defense:

Then comes the “undressing 14 year old girls is much ado about nothing”:

If you accept the Washington Post story as being completely true, Roy Moore at age 32 undressed a 14-year-old girl, touch her breasts and crotch, and then tried to put her hand on his erect penis. It’s child abuse.

Actually, she’s saying that he undressed her, undressed himself, grabbed her breast and her crotch, and then tried to put her 14-year-old hand on his 32-year-old erect penis.
And finally, the team from “pedophilia is okay if you’re horny” weighs in:

Republicans in the Senate were all handed the same talking point, which they’ve dutifully repeated en masse — namely, that “if” the allegations are proven true, Moore should step down. But until that happens, they’re happy to endorse Roy More.
You can donate to Roy Moore’s Democratic opponent Doug Jones here.