It's rather unfair to call this very brief, 30-second snippet a trailer. It is really a teaser. And it is working in that I cannot wait to see this upcoming season of Girls, its fourth, and that I also cannot wait to see all the ways in which Lena Dunham falls off her bike.
Not really a spoiler, as season three ended with receipt of an acceptance letter: Hannah does attend the Iowa Writers' Workshop, which was a hot topic on Gawker earlier this year after venerable institution of Iowa rejected HBO's request to film on campus because they'd prefer that the show not film there. Or rather, a University spokesman confirmed that the school said no thanks 'due to potential disruption to campus.':
Perhaps because the University of Iowa is not unlike reclusive authors Thomas Pynchon and/or J.D. Salinger: they'd just rather not have the publicity. Except that when the authors do it, it seems respectable, and when the institution of higher learning does it, it seems snobbish and hierarchical. Or whatever, maybe they really do want to protect the sanctity of their campus from the sordid goings-on of an HBO crew and cast of Girls, plus untold freelancers for TMZ camping out for photographs. So while the trailer - sorry, teaser - screams Iowa, insiders of both the workshop and Girls will know it was merely filmed in the area, not on location at the University of Iowa.
Vanity Fair has written lots on the subject of Girls in Iowa, and adds this note:
Samantha Chang, the real-life director of the prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop weighed in on the culture shock Hannah has in store:
It's something a large number of students face when they get here. One of my friends used to stand in a certain corner of the department and pretend she was in Bloomingdales.
Sure, Hannah's culture shock (bike pratfalls can only go so far) will bring forth great stories, I'm sure. But Vanity Fair is scaring me when I read, 'it is odd to think of Girls without the character of New York City.'
Will all of season four be set in Iowa? No New York? What about Shosh and Marnie? Jessa, Adam and Caroline? Life will go in Brooklyn, surely?

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