When The Sopranos ended seven years ago, we were all left stunned as the final scene in the series abruptly cut to black leaving us literally shrouded in darkness as to the fate of Mob boss Tony Soprano, played by the late, great James Gandolfini.
Well, there's some good news! Show creator David Chase is finally giving us an answer to this question: Was Tony killed? The not-so-good news: He doesn't elaborate. Like, at all.
When Vox reporter Martha P. Nochimson asks Chase point-blank if Tony is dead, he simply shakes his head no and says,
No, he isn't.
Boom - that's all, folks.
Is he in prison? Did he and Carmela divorce? We may have to wait another seven years to get answers to the new round of questions we now have ...
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Zara Holocaust shirt latest retail blunder | USA NOW Entities 0 Name: Carmela Count: 1 1 Name: David Chase Count: 1 2 Name: Martha P. Nochimson Count: 1 3 Name: Tony Soprano Count: 1 4 Name: Tony Count: 1 5 Name: Vox Count: 1 6 Name: James Gandolfini Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1C5YZJC Title: David Chase Has Divulged Whether Tony Died at the End of "The Sopranos" Description: It's a question that has eaten fans of The Sopranos alive in the seven years since the infamous "cut to black" that ended the series: did Tony die right there in the diner? Series creator David Chase has steadfastly refused to answer the question, until now.