Outgoing Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass., told NBC's Chuck Todd that without seeing all the facts 'of course I wanted to see an indictment' from the grand fury reviewing the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson.
Patrick explained Sunday on Meet the Press that he wanted an indictment, 'mostly because I think a trial and the transparency of a trial would be good for the community.'
He continued, 'Because so many of us have the supposition that police officers are not going to be held accountable and are not going to have to answer for the shooting of unarmed young black teenagers.'
Patrick, who led the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division from 1993-96, suggested bringing a federal civil rights case will be tough because of the higher burden needed for federal charges.
'It will be very difficult,' Patrick said. 'It's very important I think, that DOJ is investigating it and I know that Attorney General Holder has been urging that investigation and will drive it through to conclusion.'
Patrick said he sympathized with President Obama's handling of sensitive issues involving race and the law enforcement community, describing a situation he faced as governor. 'Governors aren't normally expected to come to street crime scenes,' he said as he explained adjusting his response to a gang shooting in his state.
'The expectations of me by virtue of being a black elected official were different. And I had to learn that, and ultimately I did go out,' Patrick added.
As for the 2016 presidential election, Patrick ruled out a possible run. 'I've thought about it, but no I can't get ready for 2016,' he said.

- Shaquille Brewster
First published November 30 2014, 7:58 AM
Entities 0 Name: Patrick Count: 5 1 Name: DOJ Count: 1 2 Name: D-Mass. Count: 1 3 Name: Chuck Todd Count: 1 4 Name: Michael Brown Count: 1 5 Name: Deval Patrick Count: 1 6 Name: Justice Department 's Civil Rights Division Count: 1 7 Name: Darren Wilson Count: 1 8 Name: NBC Count: 1 9 Name: Shaquille Brewster First Count: 1 10 Name: Obama Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/24/justice/missouri-ferguson-darren-wilson-grand-jury-outcome/index.html Title: What's next for Officer Darren Wilson? Description: Are protests taking place near you? Please share photos, videos and thoughts with CNN iReport if you can do so safely. (CNN) -- Now that a Missouri grand jury has decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, what will happen to the man who killed an unarmed teen in the line of duty?