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After spending his professional life stoking venom against LGBT people, “Gateway Pundit” Jim Hoft, famously dubbed “The Dumbest Man on the Internet” for his shoddy reporting standards and conspiracy peddling, and reviled in St. Louis for mocking an activist who died from breast cancer, decided the Orlando tragedy was the perfect opportunity to come out of the closet and usher the mourning LGBT Community into the waiting arms of Donald J. Trump.
So glad those 49 horrific deaths could be put to good use.
Hoft writes:
I came out in the 1980s to family and friends during the AIDS epidemic. I saw a lot of friends get sick. I saw a lot of friends die. I went to a lot of funerals.
It was a scary time to be gay.
Like most gay Americans, I don’t wear my sexuality on my sleeve. I go about my daily business. I try not to harm anyone. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my country.
I’ve been a conservative activist for years. But today I’m coming out as a conservative gay activist.
In the past few years I’ve built one of the most prominent conservative websites in America. I created The Gateway Pundit because I wanted to speak the truth. I wanted to expose the wickedness of the left. I was raised to love my country. Today I serve my country by defending her from the socialist onslaught.
But last night at least 49 gays were slaughtered at an Orlando club.
Despite this obvious Islamic attack, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are still in denial.
I can no longer remain silent as my gay brothers and sisters are being slaughtered at dance clubs.
There is only one man who can lead this nation and protect all gays and all Americans. His name is Donald Trump.
In 2015 a conservative Supreme Court granted gays the right to marry.
In 2016 only one candidate will protect gays from another Islamist attack.
I pray that gays will come back home to the Republican Party – no more death.
Dear God, please no more death.
It’s really hard to explain just how wretched Hoft is without picking up my computer and slamming it against the wall. This is someone who tried to take down GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network), an organization devoted to helping gay high school students avoid bullying, by claiming GLSEN taught fisting (a sex act) techniques to fourteen year old kids, and handed out “fisting kits” and recommended about first graders having orgies.
Here’s a sampling of Gateway Pundit’s GLSEN stories:

And here are a few more Gateway Pundit stories:

And, my personal favorite, here is how Hoft welcomed the news that President Obama had nominated the first openly-gay Secretary of the Army:

You get the idea.
Hoft routinely promotes the work of disreputable anti-gay hate group MassResistance, designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to bring down GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings when the Obama Administration appointed the openly -ay educator Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
Few hate LGBT people like Hoft’s BFF and MassResistance founder Brian Camenker, who denied gays and lesbians were killed in the Holocaust (the US Holocaust Museum says otherwise), claimed that the gay agenda included legalizing bestiality, traveled to Jamaica to encourage the nation to pass laws criminalizing homosexuality, and who has viciously fought against anti-bullying and suicide prevention programs aimed at LGBT youth. Camenker’s organization lauded a book that claims gays were behind the Holocaust. It’s beyond despicable that Hoft, a gay man, promoted Camenker, the worst of the worst when it comes to anti-gay hate.
It’s also sadly telling that Camenker and his hate group are still promoted all over Hoft’s Web site. It’s one thing if Hoft repented for promoting anti-gay hate groups. It’s quite another when Hoft is still giving them oxygen. To this day, there are still 120 stories on Hoft’s Web site that mention MassResistance:

Jim Hoft hatched and ill-conceived plan to lure a mourning LGBT Community to endorse Trump.
Hoft missed no opportunity to spread rumors about anti-bullying efforts either, using his blog to claim an Anti-Bullying Conference was mostly focused on how to satisfy sexual partners.
Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has a great deal of history with Hoft, who retaliated against Johnson’s fact checking by smearing Johnson with accusations of supporting porn and fisting kits in classrooms.
On Hoft’s pitch to lure LGBT people to the Republican party with a rich history of demonizing them, Johnson writes:
The idea that gays should “come home” to the Republican Party is so delusional it beggars description; this is the party whose presidential candidates openly endorse a far right pastor who thinks gays should be executed, a party that works ceaselessly to deny basic rights to LGBT people, a party that has tried for years to pass amendments to the US Constitution that would permanently ban gay marriage, etc., etc. The list of Republican anti-gay positions is practically endless.
For Hoft to say he “tries not to harm anyone” and wants to “speak the truth,” well — wow. Again, this is the guy who for years has been propagating every fake and/or dishonest right wing conspiracy theory that bubbles out of the fever swamp, a guy who spread a completely phony story that the cop who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson had suffered major injuries after being attacked by Brown and used a crudely altered version of a CT scan to do it, a guy who often cites white supremacist websites and has even plagiarized them for his crummy right wing blog, a guy who often refers to black protesters with dehumanizing terms like “roaches.”
It’s not surprising that Hoft stepped off the stage at his ridiculous debutante ball and face-planted. Comments across social media and the blogosphere have been unforgiving, and rightfully so.
What got to me the most was his audacity to use the line “my gay brothers and sisters.” I ain’t your brother, buddy.
Jim Hoft, the “We” in We Are Family doesn’t include you and never will. You’ve gleefully spent your pitiful life polishing the shoes of those demonizing and dehumanizing us to win elections. You’ve perpetrated the nastiest smears about our community, including that we prey on children.
Like you, I live in St. Louis. But unlike you, who have been completely absent from our LGBT community aside from attacking us, I know who really made the history you seek to exploit. People like Michael Mullen, who founded PAWS after finding pets dead from starvation in the homes of AIDS patients. People like Daniel Flier, who co-founded St. Louis Effort for AIDS and personally bathed countless patients rotting in their own urine and feces because hospitals wouldn’t touch them.
And how freaking dare you use the deaths of 49 largely Latino and Black people to push your wretched agenda? You’re a cheap, shameless and desperate hack representing a cheap, shameless and desperate party. A party whose nominee is a peddler of cheap suits, and a party whose constituents think political action is sitting in the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A.
You will NEVER be one of us. And neither will your dominatrix daddy, Donald Trump.