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Donald Trump’s New York state campaign cochair Carl Paladino went off on a racist rant this week, wishing death upon President Obama, while suggesting that the First Lady is a male ape who belongs in Africa.
Paladino’s comments fit into a larger pattern of normalization of hate and intolerance since Donald Trump arose on the political scene, including Trump appointing an Alt Right -enabling publisher as his top White House strategist.
(The Alt Right is a newish conservative political movement based on white supremacy and ant-Semitism. Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon was until recently a publisher of a premier platform for the Alt Right. This did not stop Trump from picking Bannon for one of the most senior White House posts. Bannon also ran Trump’s campaign.)
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Here are Paladino’s comments to Artvoice, and alternative paper, when asked about his wishes for 2017:
Artvoice: What would you most like to happen in 2017?
Carl Paladino: Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.
Artvoice: What would you most like to see go in 2017?
Carl Paladino: Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.
Paladino has a history of outrageous comments, including calling gays “dysnfunctional,” telling a Utah delegate that she should be “hung for treason,” and that Mr. Khan doesn’t deserve the title of Gold Star dad because he might be an ISIS sympathizer.
Paladino’s latest comments about President Obama could end up being an incitement to violence, and his comments about First Lady Michelle Obama are flat out racist. The recent “pizzagate” fiasco, where a North Carolina man who follows Republican-generated conspiracy theories opened fire in a restaurant in Washington, DC, shows just how dangerous these kind of incendiary comments really are.
When will Donald Trump show some leadership and rebuke the racism and hatred of the co-chair of his New York campaign?
When will Donald Trump show some leadership and rebuke the co-chair of his New York campaign?