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Trump ally Devin Nunes says Donald Trump’s administration is now under a “big gray cloud” because of yesterday’s news that the FBI is investigating Trump for possible collusion with the Russians.
And Nunes, the Republican chair of the House Senate Intelligence Committee, is right. A sitting president under FBI investigation for possible espionage with a foreign adversary of the United States — that’s huge and troubling news.
It’s news that should put a hold on that president’s agenda until we get the whole story on just where his true allegiances lie.
For starters, we must not proceed with Neil Gorsuch’s nomination for Supreme Court justice until we get the full story on Donald Trump and his associates.
Gorsuch is Trump’s man, and we need to know whose man Trump is before we let this president make a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
Sign the petition on this page, add your name — demand no action on Gorsuch until the investigations into Trump’s collusion with the Russians are completed.
Last year, in an unprecedented move, Republicans refused to let President Obama’s nominee to the court proceed simply because of the uncertainty of an election. This year, we have the uncertainty of possible treason by the commander in chief. It doesn’t get much more uncertain than that.
No less than top Trump sycophant Sean Hannity agrees — you simply cannot permit a president to govern, business as usual, when they are under FBI investigation. Hannity went so far as to call such a situation “a major constitutional crisis.”

And Hannity isn’t alone. There’s White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who made clear last year just how bad a thing it would be were Trump under FBI investigation:

We don’t have to imagine. Trump is.
Then there’s senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, who ran the Trump campaign for a while last year. Even Kellyanne says Trump is per se corrupt as hell.

Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer agrees that we must wait on any Supreme Court nominations. We waited a year for this nomination — because the Republicans stole the nomination from Merrick Garland last year. If we could wait one year for a legitimate nomination from a president not facing an FBI investigation of his loyalty to flag and country, we can wait a bit longer before dispensing with Neil Gorsuch.
I agree with Chuck Schumer.
I agree with Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
I agree with Kellyanne Conway.
And I agree with Sean Hannity.
We cannot proceed on Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination until the big gray cloud is lifted from the Trump White House.
Add your name, sign the petition, stand up to Trump. And resist, resist, resist.
* * * *
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