USADaily - is a new Web site I’ve set up as a one-stop shop for information about the Representative Jim Jordan Ohio State sexual abuse scandal.
This week, Jim Jordan hired a conservative crisis PR firm to attack the Ohio State victims, but unfortunately the firm is sloppy and didn’t buy the right Web addresses. The Jordan defense site is: StandWithJimJordan dot com. So I bought and — both point to my new site. (This is Internet advocacy 101.)
My new site summarizes the scandal in an easy-to-understand one-page FAQ that I highly recommend you start with, and provides regular news updates via the blog and a sidebar with the links to the latest stories on the scandal. The goal is to provide the media and the public a simply break down of the scandal so each can act accordingly.
Finally, we provide action steps, including:
– Chipping in to help us hold Jim Jordan accountable through the election this fall. Click here to donate.
– Sign a petition calling on Jordan to come clean and resign.
And make sure to share the page via social media as well. Thanks!
The post New site tackles Jim Jordan Ohio State sexual abuse scandal appeared first on AMERICAblog News.