USADaily -
Tonight will be the third night that patriotic Americans have organized anti-Trump and pro-America protests in front of the White House, in response to Donald Trump’s total capitulation to Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit.
Here are some photos and videos I shot from the events.
First, day one. Monday, July 16. We had surprisingly good turnout considering it was an impromptu last minute protest:

Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro speaks at the July 16, 2018 White House protest:

Four members of Indivisible (Herndon/Reston VA branch) hold a protest sign outside the White House on July 16, 2018:

At one point, as Trump and Melania were arriving at the White House from Helsinki, we were moved across the street. That’s when we let loose with a lot of noise, to ensure that Trump would hear us:
Here’s where they moved us across the street. It was a lively crowd:

Tuesday’s crowd was much bigger. Speakers included event-organizer Philipp Reinnes (the even was co-organized by Adam Parkhomenko), Center for American Progress head Neera Tanden, actress Alyssa Milano, and Stormy Daniel’s lawyer Michael Avenatti, who has gotten much more involved in the overall stop-Trump movement.
Here are a few videos from last night:
And a few images:

The Center for American Progress Neera Tanden speaks to the crowd — she was good:

There was a LOT Of media there too, which is great:

Just a great protest overall. And tonight’s third protest will have a Mariachi band! Stay tuned.
The post White House faces daily protests after Trump appeases Putin in Helsinki appeared first on AMERICAblog News.