USADaily -
Republican House member Duncan Hunter was recently indicted for taking campaign funds for personal use, and then claiming they were going to wounded warriors.
As a result of his indictment, Hunter is now in a tightening reelection race, and has pulled all out all the stops to defeat Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, including blatant racism.
Campa-Najjar is a Christian born in San Diego of Latino and Arab descent. Hunter isn’t just suggesting that Campa-Najjar is a Muslim and fake Latino, but he’s now claiming Campa-Majjar is a potential terrorist to boot, simply because of his lineage.
Here’s a sample from Hunter’s latest campaign letter — I refuse to run the entire thing:

Enough is enough. The people of California deserve better than Trump-loving crooks like Duncan Hunter. Ammar Campa-Najjar is a former Obama White House official who is pro-choice, anti-gun, pro-immigration, and pro-ACA. He’s a great progressive Democrat. Please chip in, and let’s make sure he’s elected to Congress on November 6.

The post Chip in to elect Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar and defeat racist Duncan Hunter appeared first on AMERICAblog News.