President Obama has a sweet tooth and a weakness for pies made by White House Executive Pastry Chef Bill Yosses. The pies are so good, in fact, the president admitted to wondering 'whether he puts crack in them.' on live camera.
During a LGBT Pride Month reception at the White House Monday, the president took some time to acknowledge members of the administration and his staff who were present with their partners, including 'a man who's made life at the White House very sweet, our executive pastry chef.'
'We call Bill the crustmaster, because his pies, I don't know what he does, whether he puts crack in them...but...' the president paused, perhaps realizing what he just said in front of a live camera.
The first lady quickly mumbled, 'No he doesn't. There is NO crack in our pies.'

White House Losing Pastry Chef Bill Yosses (AP)
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First published June 30 2014, 5:26 PM
Entities 0 Name: White House Count: 2 1 Name: Bill Yosses Count: 2 2 Name: Congress Count: 1 3 Name: AP Count: 1 4 Name: Valerie Jarrett Talks Murdoch Count: 1 5 Name: Bill Count: 1 6 Name: Obama Michelle Obama Count: 1 7 Name: Obama Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: President Obama to make new immigration push Description: President Barack Obama will announce a “new effort” to overhaul the immigration system on Monday through administrative action, a White House official said, signaling that a legislative overhaul is effectively dead for the year. A White House official said that Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told Obama last week that the Republican-led House...