Reuters, 25/08 14:21 CET

(Reuters) - A suicide bomb attack in a Shi'ite mosque in Baghdad on Monday killed at least nine people and wounded 21, police and medical sources said.
The attacker detonated his suicide bomb vest inside the mosque in the New Baghdad district of the capital at prayer time, police said.
(Reporting by Kareem Raheem; Writing by Babak Dehghanpisheh; Editing by Louise Ireland)
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Entities 0 Name: Reuters Count: 4 1 Name: Babak Dehghanpisheh Count: 1 2 Name: New Baghdad Count: 1 3 Name: Baghdad Count: 1 4 Name: Louise Ireland Count: 1 5 Name: Kareem Raheem Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Britain says it close to identifying beheading suspect Description: Credit: Reuters/Social Media Website via REUTERS TV A masked Islamic State militant holding a knife speaks next to man purported to be U.S. journalist James Foley at an unknown location in this still image from an undated video posted on a social media website.