Senator Ted Cruz has won the Values Voters straw poll. He won the award for a consecutive second year in a row.
Former neurosurgeon, Dr Ben Carson came in second. Interestingly, Dr Ben Carson was also the runner up in 2013.
However this year the percentage of vote's difference between the two is only 5 percent as compared to 29 percent last year.
The Values Voters Summit is being held in Washington. This is the ninth conference of Values Voters Summit and it is going to end today. The summit invites thousands of politicians nationwide. The guests after hearing the speeches at the annual summit votes for their favorite speaker.
Ted Cruz received 42 percent of the votes last year. But this year although he emerged as the winner, his voting share was down to 25 percent. Senator Cruz was favorite for the Republican Presidential Candidate for the 2016 elections at the Summit.
Dr Ben Carson who finished second was voted 20 percent.
Mike Huckabee, the Former Governor received 12 percent finishing third. The other notable speakers at the conference were Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal and Rand Paul.
Rick Santorum ranked fourth with 10 percent of votes where as there was a tie for the fifth spot between Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and Bobby Jindal with 7 percent of votes.
13 mins ago
Entities 0 Name: Rick Santorum Count: 2 1 Name: Dr Ben Carson Count: 2 2 Name: Bobby Jindal Count: 2 3 Name: Paul Count: 2 4 Name: Ted Cruz Count: 2 5 Name: Values Voters Count: 1 6 Name: ninth conference of Values Voters Summit Count: 1 7 Name: Washington Count: 1 8 Name: Kentucky Count: 1 9 Name: Cruz Count: 1 10 Name: Mike Huckabee Count: 1 11 Name: Ben Carson Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1qHBY6v Title: Ted Cruz again wins Values Voter straw poll Description: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has come in first in the Values Voter Summit presidential straw poll for the second year running. Receiving 25 percent of the votes cast, down from 42 percent in 2013, Cruz was the favorite for the 2016 Republican president nomination among the 2,000 social conservative activists at the conference on Saturday.