'Possible shots fired.'
This week's response to the dramatic events in Ottawa began Wednesday at 9:52 a.m. with an all-too-familiar 911 call. It was followed, within a minute, by a dispatcher's startling update: 'We may have multiple patients. One soldier has been hit.'
That ignited an unprecedented emergency response that flooded downtown Ottawa with more than 400 police officers, paramedics, hostage negotiators, tactical officers and incident commanders. Reports followed of gunmen on Parliament Hill, in the Rideau Centre, on top of the Chateau Laurier. Confusion - and terror - reigned for much of the day as politicians, civil servants, shopkeepers and students locked their doors against an unknown threat.
Three days later, we know the mayhem was the work of a lone gunman and the threat he posed was extinguished seven minutes after his cold-blooded slaying of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, who was shot twice in the back maintaining watch beside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Today, the picture of that chaotic day has become much sharper, but some critical questions remain. Here's what we know and what we don't:
The event
What we know: It took Michael Zehaf-Bibeau 83 seconds to get from the National War Memorial to the doors of the Peace Tower. He drove to the East Block in a Toyota Corolla, ran onto Parliament Hill, carjacked a parked minister's vehicle, drove it to a spot west of the Peace Tower and jogged through the front doors of Centre Block, rifle on his hip. An unarmed Commons constable was shot in the leg during a confrontation with Zehaf-Bibeau inside the front doors, alerting others to the incursion. Zehaf-Bibeau was pursued and shot dead in the Hall of Honour, outside the Library of Parliament, in a firefight that included RCMP officers and Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers.
What we don't know: The exact sequence of events inside Centre Block. How many shots did he fire inside Parliament? How many times was Zehaf-Bibeau shot?
The shooter
What we know: Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, was born in Montreal to a businessman of Libyan descent and a Canadian mother, a senior official with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He was a petty criminal and crack addict and for the past seven years considered himself a devoted Muslim. Zehaf-Bibeau was not diagnosed with a mental illness, but many in his life regarded him as deeply troubled. His estranged mother, who saw him once during the past five years, said he 'was lost and did not fit in.' She told the RCMP this week her son had applied for a passport in order to travel to Syria. Zehaf-Bibeau was not on the RCMP's list of 'highrisk' travellers.
What we don't know: How was he radicalized? What were his connections to extremists in Canada or overseas? Did he leave behind any kind of manifesto?
The gun
What we know: Zehaf-Bibeau was carrying a Winchester .30-30 lever-action rifle, a common deer hunting rifle. It's sometimes known as the Model 94 Winchester because it was first introduced in 1894 as the American West was being settled. A modern version of the weapon features a seven-cartridge magazine, which means, with one bullet already in the chamber, Zehaf-Bibeau had a maximum of eight shots before needing to reload. The gun sells new for about $1,200.
What we don't know: How did Zehaf-Bibeau obtain his rifle when he had been barred by court order from owning a gun in Canada? Did he buy the gun in Ottawa or bring it here? Did he train with the weapon? How much ammunition did he have? Did he own other weapons?
The motive
What we know: Not much. The attack came less than three weeks after the federal government approved a combat mission against Islamic State. RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson said Zehaf-Bibeau came to Ottawa in early October to deal with passport issues. His passport - Zehaf-Bibeau said he wanted to go to Libya - was being held up while officials conducted background checks. 'I think the passport figured prominently in his motives,' Paulson told reporters. 'I'm not inside his head, but I think it was central to what was driving him.' Paulson suggested Zehaf-Bibeau's extremism and his 'difficult circumstances' may also have also played into his motive.
What we don't know: Did Zehaf-Bibeau yell, 'For Iraq,' while running from the war memorial, as one witness has suggested? Was he inspired to act by Islamic State? Did he do this because his overseas jihadist ambitions were frustrated? Was he suicidal? Delusional?
The security
What we know: The security system failed and worked. A lone gunman managed to penetrate Parliament Hill security, wreak terror and come close to the prime minister. But RCMP officers stationed on the Hill responded within moments and were only seconds behind Zehaf-Bibeau as he shot his way into Centre Block. He was chased and killed within four minutes. The RCMP has since instituted round-the-clock protection for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who traditionally has done without his RCMP detail inside the Parliament Buildings, where Commons constables are responsible for his security.
What we don't know: Why was Parliament Hill security not strengthened after the federal government's resolution on Islamic State? Or after Monday's attack on soldiers in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que? Why does Parliament Hill not have a unified security force - three teams are responsible - two years after the auditor general recommended such an approach?
The what ifs
What we know: The most disturbing questions of the week all involve what ifs. What if there had been three shooters as once believed? What if the gunman had pushed his way into the room where the prime minister was meeting with caucus? Or into the NDP caucus room across the hall? What if he had been armed with an assault rifle? Or grenades? What if he had not been a lightly-armed amateur?
What we don't know: The answers.
Entities 0 Name: Zehaf-Bibeau Count: 9 1 Name: RCMP Count: 7 2 Name: Ottawa Count: 4 3 Name: Hill Count: 3 4 Name: Parliament Hill Count: 3 5 Name: Canada Count: 2 6 Name: Islamic State Count: 2 7 Name: Paulson Count: 2 8 Name: Winchester Count: 1 9 Name: Rideau Centre Count: 1 10 Name: American West Count: 1 11 Name: NDP Count: 1 12 Name: Parliament Count: 1 13 Name: Muslim Count: 1 14 Name: Chateau Laurier Count: 1 15 Name: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau Count: 1 16 Name: Iraq Count: 1 17 Name: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Count: 1 18 Name: Kevin Vickers Count: 1 19 Name: Libya Count: 1 20 Name: Canadian Count: 1 21 Name: Library of Parliament Count: 1 22 Name: Bob Paulson Count: 1 23 Name: Nathan Cirillo Count: 1 24 Name: Syria Count: 1 25 Name: Montreal Count: 1 26 Name: Toyota Corolla Count: 1 27 Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Count: 1 28 Name: Stephen Harper Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1oADTQg Title: Canada attack 'not linked to IS' Description: There is no evidence so far that a gunman who attacked Canada's parliament had links to Middle Eastern Islamist extremists, the government has said. Foreign Minister John Baird told the BBC gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was "certainly radicalised", but was not on a list of high-risk individuals.