Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse infected with Ebola as she treated dying patient Thomas Eric Duncan, is free of the virus, National Institutes of Health officials said Friday.
Pham, who was diagnosed Oct. 12, was transferred to the NIH hospital outside Washington where there's a special biocontainment unit. Her fellow nurse, Amber Vinson, tested virus-free earlier this week, her family said, but stayed in a special biocontainment unit at Emory University Hospital for a few more days of treatment. NIH officials were scheduled to give more details later Friday.
First published October 24 2014, 7:55 AM

Maggie Fox
Maggie Fox is senior health writer for and, writing top news on health policy, medical treatments and disease. She's a former managing editor for healthcare and technology at National Journal and global health and science editor for Reuters based in Washington, D.C. and London.She's reported for news agencies, radio, newspapers, magazines and television from across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe covering news ranging from war to politics and, of course, health and science. Her reporting has taken Maggie to Lebanon, Syria and Libya; to China, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines and Pakistan; to Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia and to Ireland and Northern Ireland and across the rest of Europe.Maggie has won awards from the Society of Business Editors and Writers, the National Immunization Program, the Overseas Press Club and other organizations. She's done fellowships at Harvard Medical School, the National Institutes of Health and the University of Maryland.
Entities 0 Name: Europe Count: 2 1 Name: National Institutes of Health Count: 2 2 Name: Washington Count: 2 3 Name: Maggie Count: 2 4 Name: NIH Count: 2 5 Name: Overseas Press Club Count: 1 6 Name: Nina Pham Count: 1 7 Name: Dallas Count: 1 8 Name: Serbia Count: 1 9 Name: Asia Count: 1 10 Name: Harvard Medical School Count: 1 11 Name: Reuters Count: 1 12 Name: Middle East Count: 1 13 Name: Ireland Count: 1 14 Name: D.C. Count: 1 15 Name: Libya Count: 1 16 Name: Amber Vinson Count: 1 17 Name: University of Maryland Count: 1 18 Name: China Count: 1 19 Name: Thailand Count: 1 20 Name: Maggie Fox Maggie Fox Count: 1 21 Name: National Immunization Program Count: 1 22 Name: Bosnia Count: 1 23 Name: Philippines Count: 1 24 Name: Pham Count: 1 25 Name: Croatia Count: 1 26 Name: Syria Count: 1 27 Name: Society of Business Editors and Writers Count: 1 28 Name: Pakistan Count: 1 29 Name: National Journal Count: 1 30 Name: Africa Count: 1 31 Name: Lebanon Count: 1 32 Name: Emory University Hospital Count: 1 33 Name: Thomas Eric Duncan Count: 1 34 Name: London Count: 1 35 Name: Northern Ireland Count: 1 36 Name: South Korea Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: New York Hospital Checks Suspected Ebola Patient - NBC News Description: A doctor just back from West Africa is being isolated and checked for Ebola virus at New York's Bellevue Hospital, city health officials said Thursday. It's a by-the-book operation demonstrating the nation's heightened new state of readiness for Ebola, and by far the most high profile yet.