MANITOU SPRINGS, Colo. - It was warm and sunny and smelled of cinnamon-orange tea inside a roadside cafe here in the mountains, but as a dozen Democrats waited for Senator Mark Udall's campaign bus to arrive for a last-minute pep rally, the air was laced with dread.
In the final polls before Election Day, Mr. Udall was trailing his Republican challenger, Representative Cory Gardner. Early voter returns tracking Colorado's first major election run entirely through mail-in ballots showed that Republicans had turned in 104,000 more ballots than Democrats, though they were hoping to close the gap.
Democrats had spent the campaign assailing Mr. Gardner's positions on abortion and birth control, trying to paint him as a Cro-Magnon opponent of women's reproductive rights - was their strategy failing them?
'I'm really worried about Gardner and Udall,' said Michael Merrifield, a Democrat running for a State Senate seat, who attended the Udall rally. 'I've even had Democrats say to me, 'I'm just tired of hearing about the women's issue.' '
'I live in a Democratic district,' said Alma Cremonesi, a property manager in nearby Colorado Springs. 'They're not voting.'
Ms. Cremonesi said she had a thick stack of papers with the names and contact information of hundreds of likely Democratic voters - the fruits of sophisticated voter turnout operations that in recent years have helped push Democrats over the top here and in tight elections across the country. There are about 600 registered Democrats in her precinct, and Ms. Cremonesi said her job was to reach the 400 who had not yet mailed in their ballots. 'It was really overwhelming,' she said.
Years of Republican stumbles, combined with booming growth along the diverse and increasingly urban Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, have helped Democrats turn this state's political roster as blue as the cloudless sky on this autumn morning. Democrats control both Senate seats and the governor's mansion, and have majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. But this year, Republicans believe they can ride a wave of voter discontent - with new gun-control laws, health care reform and an uneven economic recovery - back into power.
'Let's claw back that lost territory,' Bob Beauprez, the Republican hoping to unseat Gov. John W. Hickenlooper, said at a rally last week. 'Let's make Colorado a red state again.'
As the campaign closes, Democrats are still trying to convince voters that Mr. Gardner is more conservative than the earnest, grinning Republican who has lofted ahead in polls and won an endorsement from The Denver Post. Speaking to students on the campus of Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, Mr. Udall pointed out that Mr. Gardner opposes same-sex marriage, and said Mr. Gardner's positions on climate change, renewable energy and college loans showed no vision for the future.
As he does at many stops, Mr. Udall brought up his passion for mountain climbing to describe what has become a bitter, high-spending race. 'You don't schmooze your way up a mountain,' he said. 'You don't climb it by accident. You don't trash-talk your way up a mountain. You just go climb it.'
The airwaves are a blizzard of Senate campaign ads - more than 55,000 have aired since January 2013, according to the Wesleyan Media Project. High-powered proxies are flying in to rouse the faithful. Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have come out for Mr. Udall. Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida, and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey are stumping for Republicans.
Last week, dozens of Republican volunteers packed Mr. Gardner's campaign offices in the college towns of Boulder and Fort Collins to get a handshake or selfie with the amped-up candidate. Spotting a boy in a Denver Broncos football jersey, Mr. Gardner whipped out his cellphone and showed him a photo of John Elway, the Broncos' general manager and Hall of Fame quarterback, who has donated to Mr. Gardner's campaign.
The boy's father, Dave Holdbrook, a truck driver who has been on disability for several years after a job-related injury, said he had already mailed in his ballot for Mr. Gardner.
'I'm really concerned about what's going to happen with Obamacare,' he said. 'Spending's just out of control, and Udall's lined up with Obama 100 percent of the way.'
Mr. Gardner, pivoting between reporters, voters and volunteers, offered a rapid-fire recitation of his case against the Democrats: Mr. Udall is a 'social-issues warrior' who does not represent the entire state's values. The economic recovery may have cut unemployment to 4.7 percent in Colorado, but it has left too many people behind, especially in cities like Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Government is choking off small businesses. Coloradans are working harder and harder and falling further behind. People in much of the state feel they have been forgotten. 'There should never be a forgotten Colorado,' Mr. Gardner said.
Outside his Boulder office, a group of students supporting immigration reform lined up to heckle Mr. Gardner about his opposition to granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants. Republican volunteers faced them down, shouting: 'Udall lies!' and 'Detect! Detain! Deport!'
Mr. Gardner had long since left, but the two sides kept yelling at each other as the sun sank behind the mountains.
Entities 0 Name: Gardner Count: 13 1 Name: Udall Count: 9 2 Name: Colorado Count: 4 3 Name: Republican Count: 3 4 Name: Colorado Springs Count: 3 5 Name: Senate Count: 3 6 Name: Cremonesi Count: 2 7 Name: Boulder Count: 2 8 Name: Broncos Count: 1 9 Name: Colorado College Count: 1 10 Name: Bob Beauprez Count: 1 11 Name: Denver Post Count: 1 12 Name: Dave Holdbrook Count: 1 13 Name: Mark Udall Count: 1 14 Name: Michael Merrifield Count: 1 15 Name: Alma Cremonesi Count: 1 16 Name: Chris Christie Count: 1 17 Name: Michelle Obama Count: 1 18 Name: Colo. Count: 1 19 Name: Massachusetts Count: 1 20 Name: Pueblo Count: 1 21 Name: Rocky Mountains Count: 1 22 Name: Bill Clinton Count: 1 23 Name: Jeb Bush Count: 1 24 Name: Florida Count: 1 25 Name: John Elway Count: 1 26 Name: Elizabeth Warren Count: 1 27 Name: Hall of Fame Count: 1 28 Name: Wesleyan Media Project Count: 1 29 Name: Fort Collins Count: 1 30 Name: MANITOU SPRINGS Count: 1 31 Name: Cory Gardner Count: 1 32 Name: New Jersey Count: 1 33 Name: Denver Broncos Count: 1 34 Name: Obama Count: 1 35 Name: John W. Hickenlooper Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Colorado GOP winning voter turnout battle as Democrats lag behind Description: DENVER - Those counting on the Colorado Democratic Party's vaunted ground game to push their candidates to victory may be getting a little nervous. Figures released Friday by the Colorado secretary of state show that registered Republicans have turned in considerably more ballots than Democrats or unaffiliated voters with just four days before voting ends at 7 p.m.