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The Web site of Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, Stephen Bannon, criticized Washington Post reporter Anne Applebaum today, in part, because she’s Jewish.
In an article criticizing Applebaum for writing and warning about the growth of the far right globally, Breitbart attempted to tie Applebaum to George Soros (another “Jewish” boogeyman of the right), the United Nations, the City of London (that happens to have a Muslim mayor — the Alt Right (the new breed of white global white supremacists) hates Muslims almost as much as they hate Jews), and other “Jewish conspiracy” stereotypes.
You’ll recall, that Trump campaign CEO Bannon bragged this summer that Breitart is now the “platform for the Alt Right.”
Here’s what Breitbart had to say about Applebaum:
[Applebaum’s husband] Sikorski desperately wanted to replace Baroness Catherine Ashton as EU foreign affairs spokesman. This bid died with the exposure of the Civic Platform corruption. This turn of events ended Applebaum’s dream of being Poland’s first Jewish-American first lady.
And hell hath no fury like a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned. Following the fall from grace, Applebaum began utilizing her global media contacts, disbursing heavily curated and obfuscated “facts patterns” meant to construct an anti-democratic global news narrative depicting the new democratically elected Law & Justice government as far right fascists and illiberal anti-democrats.
Breitbart threw this in for good measure:

Twitter has become a cesspool of white supremacist hate, and Breitbart knows it. Applebaum, being Jewish, is a prime target for their anti-semitism. Just 30 minute ago, Applebaum was tweeted a picture of Nazi propaganda chief Josef Goebbels accompanied by a quote slandering Jews. So it’s no wonder she is forced to block people left and right on Twitter — we all are forced to, and Breitbart knows it:

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