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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with comedian Zach Galifianakis.
While the interview was a bit (intentionally) stilted — Hillary plays the “straight man” of the comedy duo, with Galifianakis zinging both her and Trump, while she attempts not to smile.
At one point in the middle of the interview, they discuss what Hillary and Trump will be wearing to next week’s debate:
I have to say, while the skit was a bit stilted, I’m impressed that Hillary tried this. She’s done a number of things during this campaign, from her social media outreach to her TV ads, that have been quite edgy. They’re the kind of thing serious and more seasoned politicians normally wouldn’t do. Too risky, and all. But Hillary’s trying it anyway. That’s not something I’d have expected from her. And it’s a good thing, I think.
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