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CNN just reported that Donald Trump wants Alt Right leader Steve Bannon to be his White House chief of staff.
Bannon, you may recall, was the last-minute CEO of Trump’s presidential campaign, credited, along with Kellyanne Conway, for turning around Trump’s late summer slump.
Bannon is also the former head of the far right news Web site, Breitbart. Bannon left Breitbart to take over the Trump campaign a few months ago.
Bannon recently bragged that Breitbart is “the platform for the Alt Right.”
The Alt Right, sometimes referred to as hipster white supremacists, is basically the latest iteration of neo-Nazis for the new millennium (or new millennials). They’re a loose political movement, based online and spanning the globe, composed most of young white men who openly embrace racism, anti-semitism and homophobia. Many Alt Right members claim their movement is simply a joke — a blow against “political correctness — but they’re attacks on Jews, people of color, women and the LGBT community are all too real.
Members of the Alt Right, for example, stalk Jews, people of color, women and members of the LGBT community on Twitter. They send Jews, for instance, photoshopped pictures of themselves burning in the ovens at Auschwitz — as part of a movement to ethnically cleanse the Internet.
Here are some examples of recent Alt Right hate on Twitter against jews, people of color, women and the LGBT community:

That’s who the Alt Right is. That’s who Breitbart represents. And that’s who Steve Bannon is — the man Donald Trump wants to make White House chief of staff.
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