USADaily -
Last night, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz blamed a bleeding passenger for the cops dragging him unconscious from a United flight this past Sunday. Now we have press reports attempting to smear the victim of the assault.
Please join the over 50,000 people who have added their name calling on United to fix this now, and ensure that no United passengers are ever assaulted again.
I won’t be linking to the smears, but suffice it to say they have nothing to do with United sicing the Chicago police on a man, who subsequently knocked him unconscious, then dragged his seemingly lifeless body. All because United wanted the man’s seat for one of their employees and wasn’t willing to pay enough to get a volunteer.
But smearing the victim? It’s one thing if the media found something relevant. But they didn’t. They found nothing that would have any bearing on why United would sic the police on a passenger who refused to “volunteer” his seat away.
And they found nothing that shed any light as to why the Chicago cops would manhandle this passenger, throwing his head into a seat rest, apparently knocking him unconscious while cutting his face.
It’s difficult to think of anything in someone’s “troubled past” that would justify such horrid behavior by United or the Chicago cops.
It’s also difficult to imagine the reporters finding this information on the passenger in a vacuum. Did United have a role? After United’s tone-deaf statement last night blaming the victim for the assault, it does make one wonder.
Sign the petition, tell United that it’s behavior is unacceptable.
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