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As part of his long, confused, rambling interview with the NYT’s Maggie Haberman yesterday, Donald Trump talked about how uncomfortable he was sitting next to Akie Abe, the wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, because she doesn’t speak a word of English. Not even “hello.”
The thing is, she does.
First, here’s Trump to Haberman:

(Of course, Mrs. Abe probably said the same thing about Trump’s notoriously incomprehensible English.)
Now, here’s Abe giving a speech in English a few years back:
Now, she’s clearly reading the speech. But if she didn’t speak a lick of English, this would be nearly impossible to do, and it’s doubtful she’d accept a speaking gig in America at the Ford Foundation in English!
There are two obvious options here: First, Trump is lying. Second, Abe pretended not to speak English so she wouldn’t have to talk to Trump.
Here’s to hoping it’s the latter.
PS Who can forget Trump’s disastrous never-ending handshake with Prime Minister Abe, and the eyeroll Abe gave afterwards:

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