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By now, you likely know that Donald Trump has announced a new White House communications director, and as a result, Sean Spicer has resigned.
The new Trump White House communications director is Anthony Scaramucci. Interestingly, Scaramucci had some scathing words for Donald Trump not two years ago.
In August 2015, Scaramucci excoriated then-candidate Donald Trump for attacking, what Trump called, “these hedge funds guys.”
Scaramucci, who worked until now on Wall Street, responded by calling Trump “a hack” and a “bully,” then he called Trump’s comments “anti-American,” and added, “I don’t like the way he talks about women.”
And for good measure, Scaramucci said of Trump: “he’s got a big mouth.”
But Scaramucci wasn’t done, saying of Trump: “You’re an inherited-money dude from Queens County, bring it Donald, bring it. You’re an inherited-money dude from Queens County.”
Scaramucci then accused Trump of being “a Democratic plant for Hillary Clinton.”
It’s hard to imagine Trump fully forgiving these comments.
More generally, Scaramucci has no idea what he’s doing. Like Trump, the man knows nothing about politics, and in particular, nothing about Washington. There is nothing in Scaramucci’s background preparing him for the job of White House communications director. Trump picked him because Scaramucci looks the part, and Trump probably saw him on TV. Scaramucci has a lot of TV experience, and Trump is one of those people who equates “being on TV” with “being credible.”
But neither Scaramucci’s pretty-boy TV experience, nor his Wall Street experience, are going to help him sell the White House’s agenda, or keep him out of jail when Trump is finally held accountable by the Special Counsel.
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