USADaily -
As the GOP Senate was preparing to vote on the motion to proceed to the Republican plan to take health care away from up to 32 million Americans, double premiums, and increase deductibles from $5,000 to $13,000 per year, a large number of protesters broke into chants of “Don’t kill us, kill the bill.”
The chant then changed to “shame.”
The protesters are more than justified.
The Republicans don’t even know what bill they’re voting for, but they’re voting anyway. Senators like Capito, Heller and Portman should be ashamed of themselves.
As for John McCain, many have noted the irony of a man recently diagnosed with brain cancer rushing back to Washington in order to vote to take health care away from other people with cancer. For many Americans, McCain’s “hero” status may come with an asterisk from this day forward.
Here’s the video, courtesy of CNN:
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