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Former CIA Director John Brennan said the other night that Donald Trump’s embrace of white supremacists and Nazis is “ugly and dangerous,” and that “Mr. Trump is putting our national security and our collective futures at grave risk.”
Brennan made his comments in a note to CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, who revealed this week that he lost all four grandparents in the Holocaust.

Brennan’s broadside is significant, as it’s one more indication that we crossed a rubicon this week. It wasn’t just Trump’s worst himbo eruption to date, it was also moment many in establishment Washington realized that Trump is unfit to be president.
Now, why does that matter? Because the powers that be make Washington work. It’s a large part of the reason that Trump is so god awful at politics — thank God — he has no experience in it. And you need experience if you want to make Washington work for you.
On the flip side, when Washington turns against you, it’s all the more difficult to get things done. And this isn’t some super secret “deep state,” it’s simply a very large bureaucracy with a lot of people who know how to work the system. And when you embrace Nazis, you give them quite an incentive for throwing the proverbial slipper in the gears to grind the machinery to a halt (the origin of the word “sabotage”).
But something far more significant happened. It wasn’t simply that the media and the Republican party realized that Trump was unfit to be president. People started realizing that Trump’s presidency endangers our survival as a nation. Enter Brennan.
Brennan is career CIA. He’s a serious man. When he says that Trump poses a danger to the country, the national security establishment listens. That means that whatever problems Trump already has with incriminating national security leaks will only get worse, as Brennan has clearly sent the message that this president is unfit.
Then there’s FBI special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Trump and Russia. Nothing Brennan said influences the legal part of the investigation, but it does affect the cultural climate in which Mueller’s investigation takes place. Brennan is helping to create a climate in which official Washington, and the public at large, realize that Trump needs to go. That potentially makes Mueller less concerned about the societal implications of his final findings. Which may empower Mueller even more.
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