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Donald Trump this morning tweeted, then deleted, a cartoon of a CNN reporter being murdered this morning by a runaway train. This was in response to the outrage over Trump refusing to criticize the terrorist murder of a young woman by an Alt Right white supremacist in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday.
Trump was upset at CNN’s Jim Acosta for asking him yesterday why he didn’t speak out earlier about the Nazis at Charlottesville.
What was in especially poor taste, the woman was killed by a man who intentionally ran his car over her and other protesters, just as the CNN reporter is being run over by a train in the Trump tweet.

Trump subsequently deleted the tweet. And while many thought the tweet was deleted because someone in the White House realized how embarrassing the graphic was, I started wondering if the problem might have been the Twitter account itself that Trump was promoting.
It’s a weird account. Purportedly run by a blond woman, the account reeks, to me at least, of being fake. For starters, it’s difficult to imagine any one human could tweet this much in just one single day. There must be hundreds of tweets from the last twenty-four hours alone. Also strange, nearly every tweet from the last few days is directed at Donald Trump. Hundreds of tweets directed at Trump. The “woman” is clearly trying to get Trump to retweet her. And she’s done the same thing with other conservative celebs.
Then there’s the substance of her tweets. She tweets images/memes, a lot. And she tweets the same ones over and over again. It’s odd. Then we get to the details of the content. It’s the kind of thing Trump surely agrees with, but it’s not the kind of thing that even Trump would want to associated himself with right now. For starters, she thinks Charlottesville was a “false flag” operation — meaning, it was really liberals pretending to be white supremacists:
And another:

She’s also promoted Pizzagate, the fake conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring in the basement of a Washington, DC pizzeria. That theory motivated a man with a shotgun to shoot up a pizza parlor in DC, with customers present.
And the rest of her content isn’t any better. As ThinkProgress noted, she’s promoted anti-Semitism from from KKK leader David Duke:

Then there are her racial positions:

So perhaps there’s an even bigger problem with what Trump is retweeting and who he’s promoting. Last night, Trump retweeted an Alt Right leader. This morning, he retweeted an account that smells of being a bot (Russian perhaps?) and promotes conspiracy theories about Charlottesville.
And we’ve only been at this for six months.
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