USADaily -
In an apparent attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he is a Nazi sympathizer, Donald Trump today tweeted an urban myth that the way to effectively fight terror is to bury Muslims with pigs. The idea being that this is such sacrilege that it will scare Muslim terrorists from ever attacking us again.
Putting aside for a moment how utterly despicable it is that Trump would suggest we defile the dead, let alone someone’s religion, but the story, attributed to General Pershing, is itself “fake news.” It never happened. But Trump is sharing it online as truth.
Here’s Trump’s tweet:

As added flavor, note Trump’s qualifier that General Pershing is “of the United States,” as if anyone other than Donald Trump would not know that General Pershing was American.
I can’t think of a better terrorist recruiting tool, putting more American lives at risk, than Trump’s racist tweet about defiling Muslim dead.
Folks, Trump is crazy. And he’s dangerous. And he’s going to get us all killed. The Republican party needs to step in and remove this clear and present danger from office. Otherwise, the GOP will forever be the party that coddled a Nazis sympathizer while he destroyed our nation.
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