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A Ted Cruz staffer just Tweeted some “favorability polling” on Hillary Clinton, in an effort to show how “unpopular” she is.
What he didn’t tell you was that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are doing far worse than Hillary.
Hillary and Cruz both have around a 55% unfavorable rating, while Trump’s unfavorables are at 64%.
And while Hillary’s favorable rating is 40%, Cruz’s is 33% and Trump’s is 30%.
What an odd thing for a Cruz staffer to want to draw attention to.
First, here’s the Cruz staffer’s Tweet about Hillary:

And here is Hillary’s current Favorable to Unfavorable ratings:

The thing is, below are Ted Cruz’s ratings, using the same scale the staffer used for Hillary’s. You’ll note that Ted Cruz’s favorable rating is so bad, it drops off the chart entirely. And Cruz’s unfavorables are taking off like a rocket:

And here are Ted Cruz’s latest numbers:

And Donald Trump’s chart is even sadder than Cruz’s:

Whatever Ted Cruz is paying this guy, it isn’t enough.