WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was "flouting the law" when it stopped work on a review of the proposed nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, despite the Obama administration's insistence that the site be shut down.
The 2-to-1 decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit allows an increment of progress that could help push the project forward and was embraced by supporters of the Yucca site, the focus of a quarter-century-old fight.
In a strongly worded opinion, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh wrote that "the president may not decline to follow a statutory mandate or prohibition simply because of policy objections."
Judge Kavanaugh, who was largely supported by a second judge in the three-member panel, A. Raymond Randolph, added that "it is no overstatement to say that our constitutional system of separation of powers would be significantly altered if we were to allow executive and independent agencies to disregard federal law in the manner asserted in this case by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission."
Congress chose Yucca, a volcanic ridge, as a nuclear waste site in the 1980s, over the objections of the State of Nevada. President Obama, while still a candidate for president, promised to scuttle it.
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic majority leader and a longtime opponent of the site, has in recent years prevented Congress from appropriating money for the project. But $11 million for review of the site remains on hand from earlier years, which Judge Kavanaugh said by law must be spent.
"Congress speaks through the laws it enacts," Judge Kavanaugh wrote. "No law states that the commission should decline to spend previously appropriated funds."
A third judge, Merrick B. Garland, dissented, and said the court was ordering the commission to "do a useless thing" because there was not enough money left to reach a conclusion about whether the site was suitable for nuclear waste.
At a news conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Mr. Reid dismissed the ruling. "With no disrespect to the court, this decision means nothing," he said. "Yucca Mountain is an afterthought."
Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, the Energy Department submitted an application to build a repository at Yucca, which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission began to review. If the commission found the site to be adequate - which is still very much in question - the plan was for it to grant a license so construction on Yucca could begin.
Anticipating years of hearings, the commission built a courtroom in Las Vegas and a computer link to a hearing room in its headquarters in Rockville, Md.
But the Energy Department asked to withdraw its license application, and a previous commission chairman, Gregory B. Jazcko, a former aide to Mr. Reid, shut down the program. The Las Vegas courtroom was disassembled, as was a special computer network that would have provided access to the thousands of documents submitted in the case. Before the work stopped, the commission staff had completed most of the work on a first step in the review, a Safety Evaluation Report. A first volume of the report was published, but other volumes were published only as technical reports, with the conclusions removed.
A former head of the Energy Department's civilian radioactive waste program, Lake Barrett, said in in a telephone interview on Tuesday that the $11 million would allow completion and publication of the Safety Evaluation Report - or, he said, it could be wasted by using the money "unpacking and repacking boxes" with files from the case.
The case was brought by the States of South Carolina and Washington, which have military wastes that could be buried at Yucca, and several other entities.
A commission spokesman said the agency had not decided whether to appeal.
The current head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Allison M. Macfarlane, a geologist, expressed strong reservations about the site before she was appointed, and once organized a conference of experts to look for better alternatives.
The appeals court's decision comes after a bipartisan group of four senators introduced legislation to try to restart the search for a location for a nuclear waste repository.
Keith Chu, a spokesman for one of the four, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, said in a statement on Tuesday that it was clear that the $11 million would not go very far, "which means the ball is still in Congress's court when it comes to deciding the direction of U.S. nuclear waste policy."