19 minutes ago
That didn't take long! Remember the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer that dropped on Friday (and racked up 40 million hits in less than 72 hours, according to The Hollywood Reporte r)? Well, it now has a Lego recreation.
Actually, it has several. But the one that's really got everyone talking comes from YouTube user Snooperking, whose recreation of the trailer went up Saturday and has more than 2.1 million views of its own.
Snooperking has added some 'commentary' to the opening scene in which a helmet-free Stormtrooper pops up from off camera and scans the desert landscape around him.
'Tying my shoe,' suggests Snooperking's notes before the Stormtrooper appears, and once he does: 'Crap! The Oven!!!'
Check it out and, when you're done, enjoy a handful of other Lego creation stories we've covered recently:
Banksy's art recreated in LegosFollow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter. Star Wars Lego photos take action figures to a whole new levelMichael Jackson's 'Thriller' video rendered in Lego Entities 0 Name: Hollywood Reporte Count: 1 1 Name: Google Count: 1 2 Name: Banksy 's Count: 1 3 Name: Star Wars Lego Count: 1 4 Name: Randee Dawn Count: 1 5 Name: Michael Jackson Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1w7T2v7 Title: Someone recreated the new 'Star Wars' trailer in Lego and it's fantastic Description: Maybe you've seen the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer 500 times already. Maybe you haven't - that'd be just over 12 hours, which is ridiculous. But have you seen it in Lego? That is to say, have you seen the new droid ball... in Lego? What about that new lightsaber...