USADaily -
The Senate Republican health care bill, announced today, contains the language letting insurers raise premiums by 66% on people age 50 to 64. (At age 65 you can go on Medicare.)
I have action steps you can take at the bottom of this story.
This is the same language contained in the House Republican health care bill, which is bad news, as it means the provision is more likely to become law.
Specifically, the Republicans are watering down a provision of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) that premiums for people 50 and up can only be three times premiums for young people.
Under the House and Senate Republican plans, that number is being raised to five times. Which is a huge difference.
GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell had his staff write the bill in secret.
Let’s say, for example, that a young person is paying $250 per month for insurance. The same insurer can therefore charge someone age 50+ $750 per month, or three times the lowest premium. Under the new GOP plans, insurers can can charge older Americans five times what they charge younger Americans, or in the example I provide, someone age 50-64 who now pays $750 per month in premiums could see their premiums rise to $1,250 per month, a 66% increase.
Here’s the specific language in the Senate bill. Note where it mentions the “5 to 1” ratio:
That’s of course not the only problem with the bill. Far from it. But it’s a provision that hits home with everyone in America over the age of 50. It’s a “senior tax.” And it’s pretty disgusting.
So much for Donald Trump and the Republicans promising us they would lower premiums and increase benefits. This bill does the opposite.
Republicans didn’t craft this bill to make Obamacare better. They didn’t do this in order to lower your premiums and increase your benefits. Republicans designed this legislation as a middle-finger to Barack Obama, a genuflect to the insurance lobby, and payback to their rich donors who have a huge tax cut buried in the legislation.
This isn’t about helping people anyone but their donors.
1. Call the congressional switchboard and ask to speak to your Senator’s office: 202-224-3121. Then tell them to vote no on any legislation to repeal or water down the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
2. Send an email letter to your Senators and House member.
3. Add your name, and commit to help unset every member of Congress who votes to take away our health care.
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