USADaily -
Donald Trump has created yet another diplomatic row with a key American ally. This time the United Kingdom.
For the second day in a row, Trump tweet-attacked Sadiq Khan, the Muslim mayor of London, for being soft on terror. And now the British Prime Minister has been forced to condemn Trump’s words.
First, what Khan actually said:

Next, what Trump yesterday claimed Khan said:

And here’s what Trump wrote today about Mayor Khan:

It should be noted that Mayor Khan is a Muslim. And that Trump’s son Donald Jr. (the angry one) launched a similar Twitter attack on Mayor Khan immediately following an earlier terror attack on London this past March:

And now, the Trumps have caused a diplomatic row with our top ally. British Prime Minister Theresa may was forced today to condemn Trump’s attacks on the mayor.
It’s bizarre that any American leader would weigh in to immediately criticize a top US ally in the wake of a terror attack. Imagine the UK calling George Bush “pathetic” on September 12, 2001. It’s unheard of because it’s unhinged.
We know Trump is an insecure uncurious narcissist. He is motivated, as David Brooks recently noted, by avenging himself. Policy is simply an extension of his bruised psyche. Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord because the French president shook his hand too hard, and now he’s causing a fracture with America’s #1 ally because the mayor of London is a Muslim.
Vladimir Putin certainly got his money’s worth.
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