Tony Bennett is expected to resign Thursday as Florida education commissioner following two days of raging controversy over a school grading controversy in his home state of Indiana.
Bennett, who came to Florida from the Hoosier State last January, has faced mounting calls for his resignation in the wake of revelations, first reported by, that he interceded on behalf of an Indiana charter school run by a prominent Republican Party donor.
His resignation would be a major setback for Gov. Rick Scott and state education leaders, who are working to overhaul Florida's system of school accountability and assessment in compliance with the national Common Core standards.
This bulletin will be updated as more information becomes available.
Tony Bennett is expected to resign Thursday as Florida education commissioner following two days of raging controversy over a school grading controversy in his home state of Indiana.
State insurance officials unveiled proposed prices for health plans to be sold on the exchanges beginning Oct. 1. But those plans, and the prices, have yet to be approved by the federal government and could change if Florida's experience reflects other states.
In My Opinion
Grown-ups might not buy Tony Bennett's tortured explanation for jacking up that C grade to an A, but every school child in Florida understands the rationale.