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Senior Trump White House appointee Monica Crowley has been accused of plagiarizing parts of her Ph.D. dissertation from Columbia University in New York.
Columbia should do as it has done at least once in the past, investigate and revoke Crowley’s Ph.D.
Please sign our petition calling on Columbia to do just that.
Crowley, a former Nixon aide, was recently appointed to be senior director of strategic communications for the Trump White House National Security Council, a senior national security position. Just days ago, CNN reported that Crowley had plagiarized more than 50 pages in her 2012 book, “What the (Bleep) Just Happened.” Two days later, Politico reported that Crowley had also plagiarized numerous passages from her Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia. In view of the fact that there are now multiple allegations of plagiarism, this is looking less and less like a simple mistake.
Crowley is also facing criticism for having visited the Berlin Wall a year ago, where she praised how well the wall worked. The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 by the East German police state at the behest of Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev. The Soviets were concerned about the massive number of East Germans, 3.5 million in fact, who had already defected to the West, many via West Berlin. Over the ensuing 29 years, only 5,000 people were able to escape, while hundreds died trying to cross the Berlin Wall.
So yes indeed, the wall worked.
Monica Crowley has no place in the White House, nor should she retain her Ph.D. from Columbia if the plagiarism charges are confirmed.
Please join us in calling on the president of Columbia University, Lee Bollinger, to investigate Monica Crowley’s Ph.D., and if the plagiarism is confirmed, revoke Crowley’s degree.
Donald Trump repeatedly told us that he would only hire the best people. And the best people don’t cheat.