USADaily -
In a tweet early this morning, Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk defended Donald Trump’s racist ban on Muslims traveling to the US from a number of Middle Eastern and North African countries.
This comes on the heels of news that last Friday, the day the anti-Muslim executive order was signed, Musk signed up as a member of Trump’s “manufacturing council.”
And the day before that, we find out that Musk is supporting Trump’s Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, who is not only in the pocket of Bil Oil, but also Big Putin.
And then today we find out that Trump may be preparing to sign an anti-LGBT executive order.
Is this really the administration Elon Musk wants to hitch his electric wagon to?
Enough is enough. Sign the petition. Tell Elon Musk to stop defending Trump’s racism — it’s time to dump Trump.
Here is Tesla’s tweet today, defending the Muslim ban and bashing “the left”:
Musk needs to repudiate his sickening comments in defense of Trump’s Muslim ban, and then pull out of Trump’s manufacturing council.
Discrimination and bigotry are un-American. Tesla and Musk should know better. This is the worst time to be supporting Donald Trump, and this is the worst issue to be doing it on.
Sign the petition, tell Elon Musk to stop defending Trump’s racism. It’s time for Musk to dump Trump.
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