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Last night, Donald Trump’s campaign social media guy, Dan Scavino, tweeted a veiled threat at Fox News host Megyn Kelly.
Scavino’s tweet was apparently criticizing Kelly for a segment she did with Newt Gingrich, in which Kelly and Gingrich got into a bit of a fight over Trump’s sexual assault allegations. Gingrich thought Kelly was giving them too much attention. And Kelly bit back, hard. (You can watch the clip here.)
Scavino then weighed in, tweeting the following:
“Watch what happens to her after this election is over.”
To me, that threat has at least two likely meanings:
1. Trump plans to sue Kelly after the election. Though I’m not sure for what.
2. Trump plans to buy Fox News, and make it “Trump TV.” And at Fox-Trump News, there will be no home for Megyn Kelly.
The only thing is, Fox News is the jewel in the crown of 21st Century Fox. It’s hard to imagine the Murdoch boys would give up Fox News willingly:
In addition to the more than $1 billion in profit it delivers annually, Fox News gives 21st Century Fox a weapon in talks with cable and satellite operators: Carry all of our networks, and at favorable terms, or we will withhold the enormously popular Fox News. Without the omnipotent Mr. Ailes in charge, Fox News could quickly lose its focus and become less of a juggernaut. Moreover, Mr. Ailes has no clear replacement.
Having said that, as the NYT article notes, Fox News is in limbo with the recent departure of Roger Ailes. And rather than sell Fox News, the Murdoch boys have been looking at possibly buying Sky News.
As for Trump TV, Trump has a record of licensing his name, rather than creating businesses from scratch. So it might be easier, and more likely, for Trump to latch on to a pre-existing news business — where they pay him for use of his name — rather than create his own.
Still that threat against Kelly was quite interesting, and telling. It sounds like Scavino knows that Trump has something in store for after the election — something that could affect Megyn Kelly’s career. Then again, as we’ve all learned, Trump talks a big game, but doesn’t always deliver. His threats to sue the NYT, and all the women who have accused him of sexual assault, come to mind.
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