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Everyone has been abuzz the past few days about Donald Trump, and his surrogates (Giuliani and Gingrich come to mind), claiming that the election may be stolen from him.
But what folks may not have noticed is that this isn’t the first time Trump has claimed a rigged election.
In three different years, Trump claimed the Emmys were stolen from him as well.
First some background on Trump’s recent claims that America is, in essence, Russia or a banana republic — and we just can’t run fair elections. Here is this morning’s Trump tweet-tirade:
Then take a look at Trump’s tweets in 2012, 2013 and 2014 about the Emmys. Anything sound familiar?
And here’s more from 2013 and 2014:
Claiming that the process is unfair, in order to excuse his own inadequacies, is par for the course when it comes to Trump.
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