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Donald Trump’s campaign sent out an email today from his son Eric, revealing Trump’s super secret strategy for winning the election in November: Only let men vote.
Trump included an electoral map in the email, purportedly showing the state of play in key battleground states. The map showed Trump winning all the battleground states.
But there’s a catch. As my friend Karl Frisch noted, Trump shared a map showing how he’d do if only men voted.
Here’s 538’s map, in comparison — it’s the same map:
Of course, at the rate Trump is going, what with his vocal support for sexual assault, Trump may not be getting any votes from women at all. But those women won’t be staying out of the election, they’ll be voting for Hillary. And the map is going to look much bluer than the one Trump shared.
That map is going to look especially blue if Trump voters follow the instructions Trump gave in a speech yesterday, and vote on November 28. (The election is November 8.)
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