USADaily -
Already 40% of American voters want to impeach Donald Trump, according to a new Public Policy Polling poll.
That’s already up 5% from a week ago.
And only 48% of voters are opposed to Trump’s impeachment — he doesn’t even have a majority opposing it!
PPP also notes that 52% wish Obama was president instead.
There are some really interesting numbers in this poll. While voters are split almost evenly on their support for the immigration executive order, 52% think it was intended to be a “Muslim ban,” and 65% oppose the “idea” of a Muslim ban, whereas only 26% favor one.
Among only Trump voters, 71% think the immigration EO is intended to be a Muslim ban. More from PPP:
But then when you ask Trump voters what their feelings on banning Muslims from the country are, they support it. 48% of Trump voters support banning Muslims from entering the country, to 40% who are opposed. So they say it’s not a Muslim ban, but they want a Muslim ban, and 94% of them support the order.
As for the nationwide protests, 48% of Trump voters think they’re fake. Yep. Nearly half of Trump voters think the protesters are being paid by George Soros.
As for Alt Right (read: white supremacist) -enabling top Trump adviser Steve Bannon, only 19% of voters have a favorable opinion of him, while 40% see him negatively. and there’s not a lot of support for putting Bannon on the National Security Council, which Trump already did:
Only 34% of voters approve of his being given a seat on the principals committee of the National Security Council, to 44% who are opposed to that. What’s particularly telling is that only 19% of voters think Bannon belongs in that seat on the National Security Council more than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence, to 59% who believe those folks are more deserving of that place at the table. Even Trump voters think he’s gone too far on that front- by a 40/35 margin they think the more traditional members should have that position rather than Bannon.
As for the wall, a 54% majority doesn’t want us building it if we’re having to front the cost for it, and we are. And 46% support Obamacare, versus 41% who oppose it, and only 33% want to see it repealed. 62% want to keep it, and fix the parts that need fixing. That’s a huge number.
What’s more, voters think John McCain, the Washington Post, NYT, and CNN all have more credibility than Trump:
-By a 51/37 spread voters say John McCain has more credibility than Trump.
-By a 52/41 spread voters say the Washington Post has more credibility than Trump.
-By a 51/42 spread voters say the New York Times has more credibility than Trump.
-By a 50/42 spread voters say CNN has more credibility than Trump.
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