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Who says Donald Trump is dividing the country? He’s uniting Democrats and fair-minded Republicans against him, and now he’s united white supremacists in support.
David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who is still a proud racist and anti-Semite, tweeted last night that Trump’s presidency proves that Duke’s racist ideas have won:

White nationalist / Alt Right leader Richard Spencer, a man who recently said he “would rather not have interracial breeding” in America, also has high praise for Trump. For example, Spencer recently praised Trump’s recent “de-Judaification,” as he called it, of the Holocaust.
We wrote the other day about how Trump issued a statement commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day last Friday, in which he failed to mention Jews or anti-Semitism. When asked about it later, Trump’s staff said he was being “inclusive” of other victims of the Holocaust by not mentioning any victims at all.
As we noted at the time, minimizing the central role anti-Semitism played in the Holocaust is part and parcel of the white supremacist playbook. And it’s exactly what the Trump White House did last Friday. It’s no coincidence, in my view, that Spencer, who is Alt Right, openly acknowledges this, and that Trump’s top political adviser, Steve Bannon, ran a Web site that catered to the Alt Right.
Spencer also said that he believes Trump is a member of the Alt Right (a hipster white supremacist/anti-semitic movement):
“Trump is a white nationalist, so to speak, he is alt-right whether he likes it or not… His version of civic nationalism is just irredeemably white.”
Here’s the clip of that:
Here we have Spencer calling Trump an “Alt right hero” back in December:
And here we have Spencer’s views on “interracial breeding”:
Judge me by the company I keep.
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