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On CNN’s Reliable Sources this morning, Bret Stephens, the editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal, suggested that the media should boycott the Trump White House in retaliation for Trump’s censoring of the media.
Stephens also added that what Trump was doing was worse than Nixon.
Stephens’ comments came during a discussion of Trump’s decision to ban the NYT, CNN, Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed and Politico from a press “gaggle,” or informal briefing, at the White House on Friday.
It is thought that Trump’s censorship of these outlets was in response to their reports a day earlier on the White House’s growing efforts to obstruct the Russia investigation.
It was particularly surprising to hear the notion of a boycott come from the editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal, a conservative publication. Here’s Stephens:
I would call it “Nixonian,” except I think that would be unfair to the memory of President Nixon. This is an attempt to bully the press by using access as a weapon to manipulate coverage. The Wall Street Journal put out a statement that I thought was very clear, if we had known what was happening we wouldn’t have participated in that meeting with Mr. Spicer. And I think that’s the right attitude for the rest of the press to take. That if the administration is going to boycott certain news outlets, then perhaps we should as news organizations return the favor to this administration.
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