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Today is moving day. After two incredibly interesting years in New York City, I’m moving back to Washington, DC to take the fight directly to Donald Trump.
I love New York. I never lost the sense that people here, on the street at least, are some of the nicest folks anywhere. People talk to each other. They talk to strangers. You bond over the smallest, dumbest thing. It’s wonderful. Even the cops are nice. And I know there have been longstanding issues with the police in this city, but they’re actually nice. In DC, they’re not. To anyone. Try talking to a DC cop on patrol. Try asking a DC cop why there are 4 squad cars outside your apartment building with police tape blocking you way. More often than not, you get a brusque mono-syllabic blow-off. Talk to a NYC cop, they smile, are chatty, and helpful as hell. I’ve never seen anything like it.
My room with a view.
New Yorkers in the workplace, I’m less convinced. I only have my own anecdotal evidence to go on, but I fear working in this city requires a cutthroat, hypocritically bitchy attitude I’ve not seen in other places I’ve lived. In the workplace, New Yorkers go out of their way to be nice to you, while sharpening the blade behind their back. Again, this is just a working theory, but it’s something I’ve noticed.
But otherwise, it’s a great city. A bit hard to meet people, I’ve found. Lots of people are married with kids, and it’s awfully difficult to break into that when you’re new. (Though a younger nephew in Phoenix tells me the same is true there.) And a bit expensive. The cost of living in NYC is similar to that in DC, except for housing. In my neighborhood, in Long Island City, Queens, across the river from Manhattan, rent for a 700 sq ft one bedroom apartment runs $3,300. It’s worse in Manhattan, though better when you go further out in Queens. Still, I’d have to go pretty far out, in a neighborhood I might not want to live in, to pay the same I do for my condo in DC.
So, it’s back to DC. A lot of calculations went into my decision to move back. First and foremost, there’s more national political work in DC, and with Donald Trump as president, that work is needed more than ever. I can simply get more done by moving back. So I am.
I’ll be writing more about this likely in the days ahead. And may or may not be writing for the next few days during the move. Though I’ll still be tweeting and Facebooking — you can see those links below. Then I’m off to Chicago for a few months while I wait for my condo in DC to open up by early June. So stay tuned.
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