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CNN reports that Trump’s own lawyers in the White House and the Justice Department are “cringing” today over Trump’s ongoing attacks against the judges deciding on the constitutionality of his Muslim ban.
Trump said today that “a bad high school student” would know to decide in his favor. Trump also called the judges “so political.”
Earlier this week, Trump said that any future terrorist attacks would be blamed on the judges hearing the case:

Trump also suggested that the judges should decide the case based on their own petty concerns of how the public perceives them:
“But I have to be honest that if these judges wanted to, in my opinion, help the court in terms of respect for the court, they do what they should be doing,” he added. “It’s so sad.”
And then we learn from CNN today that lawyers at the Justice Department and the White House itself are “cringing” over Trump’s comments.
These ongoing leaks — and they’re usually leaks that incriminate Trump — are a disaster for Trump. His own people are already turning against him. It’s amazing.
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