USADaily -
Donald Trump today secretly lifted some sanctions against the Russian spy agency, FSB.
The FSB is the follow-on agency to the KGB.
No explanation was given as to why Trump is relaxing sanctions on Russia — and on Russia’s top spy agency, no less — at the very same moment that Russian-inspired violence is increasing in Ukraine. Trump has failed to call out Russia for the increased violence, but instead begins to lift sanctions.

The sanctions were put on Russia following revelations that Russia had hacked its way into the US election in an effort to throw the election for Donald Trump.
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Since the campaign, Trump has had a strange affinity for Russia and its foreign policy objectives, usually at odds with American national security. Trump has excused Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Ukrainian Crimea, and has suggested that he might not come to the aid of NATO allies if they were invaded by Russia.
The news that Trump is already lifting some of the sanctions against Russia, when Russia has offered us nothing in return. And in fact, Russia has apparently upped the violence in Ukraine.
Donald Trump has a thing for Russia, and he can’t explain it, no one can. And that is extremely troubling.
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