USADaily -
In his latest tweetstorm, Donald Trump, furious over the ongoing leaks that are methodically building the case for treason against him, claimed that Democrats are responsible for creating the “fake news” about Russia’s involvement in our election, including Russia’s penetration of his campaign.
Trump then praised Gen. Flynn and bemoaned the loss of him as National Security Adviser, even though it was Trump who fired him.
You’ll recall that in the last 48 hours, we learned that Trump’s now-former National Security adviser, and two other Trump campaign staffers, allegedly had “constant contact” with Russian intelligence during the campaign.
Those revelations, which included the fact that Gen. Flynn lied to the public, and possibly to VP Pence (it’s still unclear if Pence is also lying), about his conversations with the Russians, led Trump to ask for Flynn’s resignation earlier this week.
Telling Congress to create an independent bipartisan commission to investigate Russia’s penetration of our government.
Yet only 24 hours after Trump fired Flynn, Trump claimed that the “fake media” has treated Flynn “unfairly.” More from CNN:
“Gen. Flynn is a wonderful man. I think he has been treated very, very unfairly by the media, as I call it, the fake media in many cases,” Trump said. “And I think it is really a sad thing that he was treated so badly.”
If it was so unfair and unjustified, then why did Donald Trump fire Flynn based on the media reporting?
Here’s Trump’s morning meltdown:

We also learned last night that Trump is hiring New York billionaire Stephen Feinberg, who has zero experience in intelligence matters, to oversee a purge of the US intelligence community in retaliation for the information that was leaked about Trump’s increasingly creepy ties to Russia. On two different previous occasions Trump has called the CIA “Nazis,” and this past week he called the NSA and FBI “un-American,” and claimed those agencies act “like Russia.” Those attacks on patriotic Americans come on the heels of Trump’s claim on Super Bowl Sunday that US service members are “killers” as bad as Putin in Russia.
Back to Feinberg overseeing the intell purge. Trump was previously considering Feinberg to be his Director of National Intelligence, or the head of the CIA’s clandestine services — meaning, Trump was considering putting a business guy with no intell experience in charge of our most secret undercover spy operations. What could possibly go wrong?
Telling Congress to create an independent bipartisan commission to investigate Russia’s penetration of our government.
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