USADaily -
Green party Jill Stein, who has expressed skepticism about the safety of vaccinations and wifi, has found another thing in the world that she finds dangerous: America.
And Stein decided to go to Moscow last winter to share her concerns.
And, what do you know, she’s happy to report she found an audience that agrees with her!
Stein’s report from Moscow is in the video below. She went to attend a conference hosted by the Russian state propaganda organ. In a sign of how much important Moscow put on the conference, Putin himself joined Stein and other attendees for dinner.
From Moscow, Stein noted that we “need to rein in US exceptionalism, and totally reform and revise our foreign policy so that it is based on international law, human rights and diplomacy.” Making those comments from Moscow, at this time, is rather unconventional, unless you work for Donald Trump.
With Red Square as her backdrop, Stein suggested that we need to “replace a US policy of domination with a way forward based on respect, collaboration, international law and human rights.”
She added, “we’ve seen that vision really resonate here.”
Oh I bet you did.
In fact, according to the video Stein published, Putin agrees with her:
You’ll note in the video below, where Stein reports on what she said at the conference, that she only criticized the US.
Stein has nothing negative to say about Russian foreign policy, or Russia’s horrific lack of respect for human rights — Putin has journalists and other opponents killed. And we all know the way Putin treats LGBT people. Yet Jill Stein had nothing to say about any of that. She was too focused on criticizing the US at a conference put together by the Kremlin’s propaganda agency.
Heckuva job, Jill.
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