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Hurricane Katrina strikes again.
Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson, already on thin-ice with Camp Trump after claiming earlier this month that President Obama was running the Iraq war in 2004.
Now she’s apparently claiming that President Obama invaded Afghanistan in 2001. (In fact, Pierson claims Obama got us into Afghanistan, and we got into Afghanistan in 2001, so Pierson is claiming that Obama invaded Afghanistan in 2001.)
Quite a powerful state senator, that Obama.
During the earlier snafu, Pierson also claimed that Hillary Clinton was Obama’s co-director in charge of the entire war effort. In fact, Clinton was a US Senator at the time; President George Bush was in charge of the US war effort.
From the video below:
“Remember, we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time. Barack Obama went into Afghanistan, creating another problem…. That was Obama’s war, yes.”
Pierson has truly outdone herself with this last historical whoopsie. And it will be interesting to see what the Trump campaign does in response. While Trump is a fan of lying, even his lies tend not involve temporal anachronisms. The last time Pierson messed up this badly, the Trump campaign threw her under a bus and promised it would happen again.
“I think we’re fixing it, I guarantee you that won’t happen again with her, that’s for sure. And it won’t likely happen with anybody else,” Sam Clovis told CNN’s “New Day.”
Yeah, well, it just did.
(Maybe Katrina was just being sarcastic.)
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