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GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump today suggested that one possible way to stop Hillary Clinton from winning the election and appointing pro-gun-safety judges is to simply assassinate Hillary.
Later, CNN asked former CIA director Michael Hayden about the comments. Hayden worked for Bush. Here’s what he had to say:
“An incredible insensitivity to the prevalence of a political assassination inside of American history — and how that is a topic that we don’t ever come close to, even when we think we’re being light-hearted…. If someone else had said that outside of the hall, they would be in the back of a police wagon now with the Secret Service questioning him…. That is a very arresting comment…. I’m just telling you the way I accepted it.”
Hayden went on to say that the issue isn’t just what you say, it’s how people perceive what you say.
And on that note, meet this fine gentleman on Twitter, who wholeheartedly agreed with Donald Trump today, and would like to see Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and many other politicians dead.
And he’s using Twitter to spread his views, and has been for a while.
I’ll share his tweets en masse, below. The point here is that people are listening to Donald Trump’s dog whistles, and they’re understanding. As Hayden noted, we’ve got crazy people out there. Trump knows that. It’s just incredibly irresponsible of him to feed these people’s paranoia, and lust for violence.
It’s also very interesting to see just how much of Trump’s message this man internalized, from his posting tweets about “lock her up” to his concerns about Vince Foster’s death to his praise of Putin.
Children and psychos will listen.
Mrs. Obama:
Obama and Congress:
Bill Clinton:
Elizabeth Warren:
Mr. Khan:
George Soros:
Putin is an American hero: