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Matthew Chapman, who writes over at Blue Nation Review, has an epic tweet-storm up this morning about the media and the election.
You can read through Chapman’s entire litany below — you need to start reading from the bottom, then work your way up.
In a nutshell, Chapman argues that the media is failing us this election.
He notes, rightly, that “they’ve done nothing to educate us on the candidates’ policy (especially Clinton’s). They are only barely covering the candidates’ records.”
And he’s not record. Think about it. When is the last time you heard anything about what Hillary Clinton plans to do as president? You’ve heard a lot about the Trump campaign’s false claims that Hillary is ill and that she’s a “racist.” We’ve also heard a lot about the now-debunked Associated Press story about the Clinton Foundation.
But what about policy? What about Hillary’s approach to the economy, to defense, to foreign affairs, to Wall Street, to economic development? No idea, because the media simply won’t talk about it.
Chapman also notes the media’s love of the false equivalences. And CNN’s hiring of former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who is still receiving severance checks from the Trump campaign. Corey has been an utter embarrassment, including his outright lie last night that half of the Clinton Foundation donors — that would around 140,000 people — got meetings with Hillary.
And when Hillary finally calls out Trump for a long history of racism — culminating with Trump hiring Stephen Bannon, a man who created and ran Breitbart, the self-proclaimed “platform” of the “alt-right,” a growing white supremacy movement that hates women, blacks, Jews, gays and more — the media calls out Hillary for being “divisive” and fomenting a “race to the bottom.”
The man hired a white supremacist enabler to run his campaign. One of his top surrogates tweets multiple images of Hillary in blackface, then removes one while the other is still live on his Twitter feed. And when Hillary calls him out for this, Hillary is the divisive one.
When you know a lot more about Anthony Weiner’s weiner than you do Hillary’s and Trump’s policy proposals (beyond that stupid wall), we’ve got a problem.