USADaily -
I was watching CNN tonight, and couldn’t believe my ears. There was Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s national spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, claiming — incredibly — that President Obama and Hillary Clinton had killed U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died at the age of 27, during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004.
Khan is the son of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose appearance at the Democratic Convention last week has been a source of unending pain for Donald Trump.
Trump national spokesperson Katrina Pierson.
Let me repeat what Pierson just alleged on national TV: that Obama and Clinton killed Humayun Khan, who died in June of 2004, while George Bush was president, and while Hillary Clinton was still a US Senator from New York, and Barack Obama was still a state senator from Illinois.
(For those who don’t believe, I watched it live — Politico saw it too.)
Here’s what Pierson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life.”
U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died in 2004 in a car bomb in Iraq at the age of 28.
Not really, Katrina. Unless Barack Obama was an exceptionally powerful state senator that he was able to influence US military policy in Iraq all the way from Springfield, Illinois.
And in a move that was particularly tasteless, Pierson also made the bizarre claim that the dead American hero’s father embraces Sharia law. Khan explained on Anderson Cooper’s show tonight that he most certainly does not.
Have these people no shame?
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