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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump released a video that “falsifies,” as CBS put it, Hillary Clinton’s position on raising taxes on the middle class.
Hillary said this week that she will not raise taxes on the middle class.
So Trump put out a video “quoting” Hillary as saying she “will” be raising taxes on the middle class. It’s an outright lie — Hillary said the opposite in her speech.
And it’s a lie that has been called out by both CBS and Politifact.
Here’s CBS:
And here’s Politifact:
This is really quite bad, even for Trump. While it’s one thing to stretch the truth in political campaigns, it’s quote another to make up a fake quote from your opponent.
At the rally earlier this week, Hillary told the crowd: “we aren’t going to raise taxes on the middle class.” Right-wing activists tried to claim that Hillary didn’t say the “aren’t.” Of course, the video shows she did, and even the prepared remarks of her speech show the “aren’t” is in the speech.
But as if that weren’t enough, Politifact, an independent fact-checker, had an expert do an electronic analysis of the speech to prove that Hillary said “aren’t.”
Nonetheless, the Trump campaign is desperate after weeks of implosions, from Donald Trump’s incessant attacks on a Gold Star family to his recent fixation on a crying baby. And desperation in Trump-land tends to lead to lies, especially when Trump himself has a long-proven inability to tell the truth.
Still, this is pretty bad by any standard.
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